Teaching Jobs in Paraguay

Teach English in Paraguay
Teach English in Paraguay

A poor but fascinating nation of ancient traditions, Paraguay is a great country for the adventurous. The level of demand for native speakers in Paraguay is moderately high and the start of term at the beginning of March is generally the best time to look for work. Unfortunately, TEFL salaries are relatively low and despite low living costs you certainly won’t be able to save much, if at all. As in most Latin American countries the students are lively and sociable and therefore a pleasure to teach. Geography: Paraguay is a landlocked country between Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia, home to large swaths of swampland, subtropical forest and chaco, wildernesses comprising savanna and scrubland. The capital, Asunción, on the banks of the Paraguay River, is home to the grand Government Palace and the Museo del Barro, displaying pre-Columbian ceramics and ñandutí lacework, the latter available in many shops. A poor but fascinating nation of ancient traditions, Paraguay is a great country for the adventurous.

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updated on February-16-2025

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Latest TEFL Jobs in Paraguay

Job Location: Ciudad del Este - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: 3 month, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 25, Salary: 750 USD/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

Job Location: Encarnacion - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 12 month, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 20, Salary: 800 USD/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

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Premium TEFL Jobs in Paraguay

Job Location: Asuncion - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 12 month, Experience Required: Yes, Age of Students: 6-16, Teaching hours per Week: 20, Salary: 550 USD/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

Job Location: Asuncion - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation not provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 6 month, Experience Required: Yes, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 20, Salary: 700 USD/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

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Best Paid TEFL Jobs in Paraguay

Job Location: Asuncion - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 12 month, Experience Required: Yes, Age of Students: 6-16, Teaching hours per Week: 20, Salary: 1250 USD/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

Job Location: Asuncion - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation not provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 12 month, Experience Required: Yes, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 20, Salary: 1300 USD/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

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