Teaching Jobs in Argentina

Teach English in Argentina
Teach English in Argentina

The level of demand for native speakers in Argentina is reasonably high. Unfortunately, TEFL salaries are relatively low and due to moderate living costs you certainly won’t be able to save much, if at all. As in most Latin American countries the students are lively and sociable and therefore a pleasure to teach. Unfortunately non-Argentinians are not allowed to teach in public (state) schools so you are limited to language centres and the few bilingual schools that exist. There is a high turnover of staff at language centres which says a great deal about the pros and cons. Geography: Argentina is a massive South American nation with terrain encompassing Andes mountains, glacial lakes and Pampas grassland, the traditional grazing ground of its famed beef cattle. The country is famous for tango dance and music. Its big, cosmopolitan capital, Buenos Aires, is centered on the Plaza de Mayo, lined with stately 19th-century buildings including Casa Rosada, the iconic, balconied presidential palace.

Up-to-date: This job board was
updated on September-10-2024

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Premium TEFL Jobs in Argentina

Job Location: Cordoba - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation not provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: 3 month, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 25, Salary: 1,600,000 ARS/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

Job Location: Buenos Aires - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation not provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 12 month, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 25, Salary: 1,500,000 ARS Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

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Premium TEFL Jobs in Argentina

Job Location: Buenos Aires - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 12 month, Experience Required: Yes, Age of Students: 18-24, Teaching hours per Week: 25, Salary: 1,250,000 ARS/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

Job Location: Cordoba - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 3 month, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: 12-16, Teaching hours per Week: 20, Salary: 950,000 ARS/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More

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