Teaching Jobs in the Maldives

The English language is spoken throughout the nation. However, tuition remains important – particularly for Business English classes. There are lots of voluntary positions to be found online but it is surprisingly difficult to locate many well-paid positions from internet searches. Experienced TEFL teachers are encouraged to contact the British Council in the Madlives as the salaries and conditions are very good indeed. Because of the ubiquity of English in the Madlives, teaching opportunities are significantly less common than in other (especially Asian) nations. Geography: A paradise of about 1,200 islands spread over roughly 90,000 kilometers, with about 200 inhabited islands and a population reaching only 400,000 people, Maldives has about one percent of land. Grouped into a double chain of 26 atolls formed by prehistoric volcanoes, Maldives is the lowest lying country in the world. Maldives is a peaceful nation with a growing demand for English Teachers.
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updated on March-28-2025
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Latest TEFL Jobs in the Maldives
Job Location: Male - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation not provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: 3 month, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 25, Salary: 900 USD/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More
Job Location: Male - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 6 month, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 20, Salary: 750 USD/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More
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Premium TEFL Jobs in the Maldives
Job Location: Male - Apply
2 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 12 month, Experience Required: Yes, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 20, Salary: 650 USD/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More
Job Location: Villingili - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 6 month, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: 12-16, Teaching hours per Week: 20, Salary: 490 USD/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More
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Best Paid TEFL Jobs in the Maldives
Job Location: Male - Apply
2 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 12 month, Experience Required: Yes, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 25, Salary: 1250 USD/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More
Job Location: Male - Apply
1 TEFL Teachers needed, Accommodation: Furnished accommodation provided, Airfare: Airfare provided (return ticket), Duration of Contract: Min. 6 month, Experience Required: No, Age of Students: Adults, Teaching hours per Week: 25, Salary: 1490 USD/Month, Benefits: Yes, Health insurance provided: Yes, Paid leave and School holidays: Yes, Lesson plans provided: Yes, Contract in the English language available: Yes, More
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