Your Gateway To Teaching English Abroad

Benefit from our extensive experience in the field: Since our launch over a decade ago, countless private schools, public schools, international schools, and language centers from across the world have advertised hundreds of teaching jobs via our site. We provide a virtual job market platform to benefit both teachers and schools. We have regularly updated premium job boards available for over 80 countries worldwide. The job listings are available to people of all nationalities and backgrounds - Read more
Teaching Jobs in Europe

Featured Location - Portugal: There is high demand for English tuition in Portugal even though the language is spoken to a high level by many citizens. As one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, with great weather and fabulous beaches, it is a popular destination for TEFL teachers. Be warned that you will not become rich teaching English here and may need to take on more than one job to pay for the rising cost of living. Provided that you have a good TOEF or IELTS score, the available openings you find our job boards are available to people of all backgrounds and nationalities. Get started applying!
Teaching Jobs in South America

Featured Location - Costa Rica: A land of beautiful beaches and a laidback lifestyle, Costa Rica is one of the most popular Latin American destinations for TEFL teachers. The level of demand for native speakers in Costa Rica is reasonably high. TEFL salaries are relatively low but more than cover the low cost of living. As in most Latin American countries the students are lively and sociable and therefore a pleasure to teach. Costa Rica has a mixed reputation when it comes to crime so make sure you do your research on how to stay safe. More generally, there is a high turnover of staff at language centres and schools across Latin America.
Teaching Jobs in Asia

Featured Location - South Korea: South Korea is the most popular country in the world for many TEFL teachers. High salaries and reasonably low living costs enable many teachers to save significant portions of their wages each month. The demand for English tuition exceeds the supply of English teachers so many contracts offer excellent employment terms and conditions such as free housing, medical and paid airfares. With so many good paying teaching jobs out there it is fairly simple to meet a large group of other English teachers and have a great social life in South Korea.
Teaching Jobs in the Middle East

Featured Location - United Arab Emirates: Along with Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E. offers some of the very best TEFL salaries in the world. If you work here for a few years you should be able to buy a nice house outright back in the West. But that’s if you can handle living in such a place for such a length of time. As with all Gulf States, the ultra-strict Muslim way of life is not particularly compatible with other belief systems and therefore many Westerners will require considerable time to adjust to what can be a stifling and rigid cultural environment. For example, even playing music in public is forbidden. Besides the generous tax-free salaries, the other positive points include the excellent cuisine and opportunities to explore the coastline.
Teaching Jobs in the Caribbean

Featured Location - Virgin Islands: There certainly is a steadily growing demand for English teachers in the Virgin Islands. A large portion of the population who lives in the Virgin Islands comes from a non-English speaking background hence new language centers and schools popped up out of nowhere in the past ten years or so, giving many foreign professionals the chance to come here and work for an extended amount of time. Futhermore there are no age restrictions and in many cases schools here even prefer Teachers with extensive teaching experience. More than 40 islands bob in the group, welcoming visitors with an absurd amount of beach and happy faces everywhere.